Mutual Fund Distributors Cert Exam

NISM Certification Exam Mock tests will help you build confidence learn missing concepts and assess your preparation level. With post-test analysis, you can identify your weak areas and bridge the gap to crack SA Exam.

NISM Exam Mock Test PLANS

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Rather than using a simple question-based mock test, we use a sophisticated adaptive engine based on Itemized score to ensure that the difficulty level of questions served truly adapts to your actual ability

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NISM Certification Exam - Mock Test

NISM Exam mock tests are powered by flexiQuiz test engine which provide detailed analysis of your performance.

The test provides in-depth insights about each section performance and a score which helps set targets for each section and prepare accordingly 

Rather than using a simple question-based mock test, we use a sophisticated adaptive engine based on Itemised score to ensure that the difficulty level of questions served truly adapts to your actual ability.

Each test draws from a question pool that contains 100X as many questions that makes each test unique in itself, with almost no repetitive questions.

Our mock tests engine picks questions from three question banks – Easy, Medium, or Hard making the result a more precise estimate of your ability.

We analyzed numerous Score Cards to understand how the it works. So, when you take a mock you can be confident that you are taking a test that uses the same scoring architecture as the real NISM exam does.

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